Stability Analysis of the Nanjung Water Diversion Twin Tunnels based on Convergence Measurement

Simon Heru Prassetyo, Ganda Marihot Simangunsong, Ridho Kresna Wattimena, Made Astawa Rai, Irwandy Arif, Nuhindro Priagung Widodo, Dhika Noor Pradhana, Dimas Agung Saputra


This paper focuses on the stability analysis of the Nanjung Water Diversion Twin Tunnels using convergence measurement. The Nanjung Tunnel is horseshoe-shaped in cross-section, 10.2 m x 9.2 m in dimension, and 230 m in length. The location of the tunnel is in Curug Jompong, Margaasih Subdistrict, Bandung. Convergence monitoring was done for 144 days between February 18 and July 11, 2019. The results of the convergence measurement were recorded and plotted into the curves of convergence vs. day and convergence vs. distance from tunnel face. From these plots, the continuity of the convergence and the convergence rate in the tunnel roof and wall were then analyzed. The convergence rates from each tunnel were also compared to empirical values to determine the level of tunnel stability. In general, the trend of convergence rate shows that the Nanjung Tunnel is stable without any indication of instability. Although there was a spike in the convergence rate at several STA in the measured span, that spike was not replicated by the convergence rate in the other measured spans and it was not continuous. The stability of the Nanjung Tunnel is also confirmed from the critical strain analysis, in which most of the STA measured have strain magnitudes located below the critical strain line and are less than 1%.


Tunnel stability, Twin tunnels, Water diversion tunnel, Nanjung Tunnel, Convergence.

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